Sunday, April 12, 2009

I Remember My First Beer

I've been sitting here at my computer trying to figure out what to write about next. After reviewing my last post, I thought perhaps telling you how I got into good beer would make sense. I wasn't always a beer lover. I started out as most do, by drinking any beer you can get your hands on before you turn 21. Even after I reached the legal age to purchase alcohol I was still indulging in that grey area I call my college years. Nattie Ice and Bud Light were my best (and cheapest) friends. Then one day, for no apparent reason, I decided that it was more sophisticated to drink things like Guinness and Redhook ESB. I had no idea how deep the rabbit hole actually went.

Shortly after my first beer revelation I landed a part time job working at a liquor store near campus. While not the most bountiful of beer stores it still housed more of a selection than I had ever known. In the midst of my Guinness glutony I decided it was time to give something new a shot. I always considered myself an open minded individual and thought why not expand my horizons. So, I asked my manager one day if he could recommend a new beer for me to try. It was beginning to turn a bit chilly as we slowly crept into fall. So without hesitating he suggested that I give Anchor Porter a shot. Later that evening I crack open my first porter with some muted anticipation and was amazed when it first reached my tastebuds. I had no idea a beer could taste like that! Silky smooth, with a chocolatey middle and just the right amount of roastiness in the finish. I was astonished. This was my first great moment in beer.

The following day I decided to research Anchor Porter to see what the alcohol content was. As I was surprised that beer could actually taste good, I assumed that the alcohol would be nearly non-existent. By typing in the name of the beer into Google, I stumbled upon a resource that would truly open my mind and change the way I looked at beer forever. A website called Soon my screen was bombarded with thousands upon thousands of beers I had never heard of. A style guidelines page allowed me to have a foundation upon which to build. I soon gobbled up as much knowledge as I could and set out to try some new beers.

The final nail in the coffin as it were came from a beer now near and dear to my heart. After reading the BeerAdvocate Top 100 list, I found that my little store carried exactly one of those brews. I asked my manager what he thought of this particular beer and he said something that still affects me today. "I don't like that beer myself, but if you like it then you are a true beer lover." I did not hesitate to buy one and upon opening it and taking the first sip I was hooked on good beer forever. The beer was Arrogant Bastard by Stone Brewing Co. and it changed my life forever.


  1. Hey, Joe

    Looking forward to some interesting commentary on beer.

    My first craft brew was Duvel. To this day, I still have a soft spot for it. That started my curiosity but I'd say Gouden Carolus Grand Cru of the Emperor and 90 Minute are what really got the gears turning.

    It's funny you mention Arrogant Bastard, I just had an Oaked about 5 minutes ago. That is one of my absolute favorite beers.

    - tequila_sauer (Dave)

  2. Joey,

    Good Post!

    My first beer was a "tall boy" Schlitz. We snuck it from my buddies' dads' stash at the lake. UGH!! ( I barely survived to drink the rest of the six-pack )

    While not as knowledgable on beers as I'd like, I've dedicated my self to the task of expanding my horizons (waist-line permitting) by exposing myself to as many beers from all parts of the globe as possible. It's exciting to witness the explosion of the craft beer industry in the U.S. I look forward to continuing my education by trying some of your suggestions.

    Keep us updated on what you like that's in season and happing drinking!

    Boy Unburdened By Beer Advocacy (B.U.B.B.A)

    P.S. Just so you know...I'm partial to stouts and porters :-) occasional IPA works as well.

  3. Hmmm...Agreed. Two great beers here- Anchor Porter and Arrogant Bastard.
