So, I've spent the evening trying to come up with a new and interesting post. I would like to give some insight into some more specific beers and places, but I realized that such a topic would require research. At some point in the near future I will undertake such a project. I hope to be able to not only give some new perspectives on beer and venues for drinking in my area, but also expand my realm of knowledge in the process. As of yet I have not delved deeply enough to post anything like that. So, for today's topic I have decided to write a poem about the beer I just finished imbibing, St. Bernardus Tripel. Here goes...
Perpetual carbonation exudes from the chalice,
Such a sweet sweet brew.
Creamy and delicious,
You speak to me.
Whispering tales of old Europe.
Religion in a glass.
Malt wrought from the earth,
With a catalyst from ancient times.
Wearing robes of simple twine,
They made the bread of life.
You smile at me from the bottle,
So sure of the joy you bring.
Telling of artisanal wells,
And tradition sought by all.
It is comforting to know,
That what is will always be.
As the glass grows nearer to the end,
You show me many layers.
The warmth I hoped for,
Has finally made an appearance.
In beer as well as life,
Head is always a good thing.
Perpetual carbonation exudes from the chalice,
Such a sweet sweet brew.
Creamy and delicious,
You speak to me.
Whispering tales of old Europe.
Religion in a glass.
Malt wrought from the earth,
With a catalyst from ancient times.
Wearing robes of simple twine,
They made the bread of life.
You smile at me from the bottle,
So sure of the joy you bring.
Telling of artisanal wells,
And tradition sought by all.
It is comforting to know,
That what is will always be.
As the glass grows nearer to the end,
You show me many layers.
The warmth I hoped for,
Has finally made an appearance.
In beer as well as life,
Head is always a good thing.
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